Reading for Battle

Battle Readings is a regularly updated compilation of articles, essays, and opinion pieces relevant to the themes of the Battle of Ideas.

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Science & Environment

An introduction to epigenetics
DNA is a vitally important starting point for life, but it's how it's used by cells and organisms that is really important.
Nessa Carey, Royal Institution, 2015

Living longer is a cause for celebration
The ageing population is a challenge, not a threat.
Ella Whelan, spiked, 23 September 2015

Divesting from free speech
Rachelle Peterson, spiked, September 2015

There is a moral case for fossil fuels
Alex Epstein tells spiked why we need to celebrate our impact on nature
Tim Black, spiked, August 2015

Green Belt myths
Recent reports focus on weakening Green Belt protection to allow greater freedom for large housebuilders. However, the arguments within these reports are based on a highly selective reading of the relevant evidence, and give little consideration to the wide range of benefits provided by Green Belt policy. These myths urgently need to be challenged.
Campaign to Protect Rural England, August 2015

The Anthropocene: A manmade epoch
An anti-human agenda lies behind the advocacy of a new geological epoch.
Alex Standish, spiked, 22 April 2015

Megacities are bad for the developing world
Debating Matters' acclaimed Topic Guides place debates in a social context
Craig Fairnington & Joel Cohen, Debating Matters, 11 April 2015

The robots are not taking over
James Woudhuysen, spiked, December 2014

Is Big Data squishing our humanity?
The use of new technologies is turning us into objects of analysis, examination and manipulation.
Norman Lewis, spiked, 15 October 2014

Six reasons why we should build on the green belt
The public perception of the green belt is out of step with reality. It's not all green and pleasant land
Colin Wiles, Guardian, 21 May 2014

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Particle Physics is Sexy

View: Particle Physics is Sexy

"The Battle of Ideas is adrenaline for the mind. A chance for intellectual fisticuffs with some of the best-known and most stimulating thinkers in the world."
Colin Blakemore, professor of neuroscience, Oxford University